Things I’ve smashed this week. But don’t worry. Phew!

Broken hugging salt and pepper shakers

I never knew things could get so dramatic on the kitchen worktop. I know, white sliced bread! Unforgivable.

I’m sure you’ve seen these around, they’re very fashionable. I got them for Sibyl before everyone else was selling them in Britain. I saw them for sale in a French market in Nice! They are salt and pepper shakers! And they hug! And they’re faces are the holes you use to get the stuff out! And they are china! And they are Sibyl’s favourites! This was a truly sad occasion. However we were very fortunate to receive another pair for our wedding, from Tom. Phew!

Smashed wine glass


Getting these wine glasses from Sibyl’s cousin was probably the best thing about getting married. They are like fish bowls and they fit a whole wine bottle into one glass. Not that we’d want to do that. But this is the first of six to smash, thankfully this time I’m not in the froghouse because I was half way through a fairy sud filled session of washing up at the time. Phew!

Fitting song, no?

Phenomenally Breathtaking Underwater Panorama.

This is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen on the internet.

Underwater Panorama

Get lost in this virtual under-sea world. You could go on the beach as well!

Photo: Robin Caught ON Camera.

What a great photo!

It reminds me of a stamp I once had in my collection (yes I did collect stamps believe it or not). It was a very sweet photo of a robin red breast nestled in a postbox. I think it was released as a second class stamp in 1995. Please come forward if you own the stamp, it is of utmost importance!

The robin is my favourite bird. I’m sure many of you have seen me jabbering away about the bilingual variations between Welsh and English when it comes to the Robin!

The Age Project



The Age Project is a website loosely built around the topics of aging, stages of life, and mortality.

Currently, the main attraction is a parlor game in which users try to guess the ages of other users based on a photograph.

I put my photo up there a while ago,

  • visitors have guessed: 31 times about this picture
  • average guess: 26 years old (highlight to reveal, but have a guess on me first!)

Cool idea.