Sunday – Sibyl’s Baptism

So on Sunday, Sibyl (Rhodri’s Girlfriend) was Baptised! What an occasion; it was so encouraging to see Sibyl declaring her faith in front of so many unbelievers. None of her family are Christians and loads of our friends from school came as well, it’s just been awesome to see how God has transformed her life.

For those of you who don’t really know the story, I met Sibyl in Hampstead School, we are both in the same year group. We have been amigos for at least 3-4 years and began to talk about spiritual things very early on in our friendship.

Around the start of 2007 our relationship got a bit more serious and Sibyl’s interest in these things increased. However after a series of discussions, Sibyl decided that she no longer wanted to regularly attend church, and that Christianity was not for her. Our relationship ended, but we still remained very close friends. In the following months we began to drift apart, as we disagreed on so many issues.

However, earlier on in the year we had booked to go to the Aberystwyth Conference (EMW), Sibyl really wasn’t keen on coming, and even I told her that she really didn’t have to. But on the advice of her family- she went, providing that she wasn’t going to be converted!

That week the Lord chose to answer so many prayers, through the sermons and conversations with Christians, Sibyl was born again. For me, this was such a surprise – when we were closer I would pray for Sibyl’s conversion every day, but I assumed that God’s answer was a firm ‘No’, however instead what God was actually saying was ‘in my own time, be patient’.

Almost a year down the line, the Lord is still blessing Sibyl, and she is developing into a mature, spiritual and godly woman.

God is good.

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