“I can’t believe that life is meaningless” – John Lloyd, BBC Producer

Comedy producer John Lloyd (QI, Blackadder) was on the Richard Herring podcast and said this:

I don’t espouse any religious faith, but I don’t consider atheism in that way as a scientific position, I don’t know whether there’s green men in flying saucers either, but I don’t go and shout at the people who think there are.

A lot of people say science doesn’t get enough of a voice in society, I think that’s rubbish, I think it gets an enormous voice, and I think that the idea that we are swamped by mad religious people is actually untrue. There are a small number of mad religious people; unfortunately they have inordinate influence in terms of blowing people up for no reason and so forth.

In terms of the business of what the point of anything is, struggle though I have for many years, I haven’t worked it all out yet, but I can’t believe that life is meaningless. Does anyone genuinely feel that life is completely meaningless? It doesn’t feel meaningless does it? It feels confusing and annoying and frustrating, but meaningless it doesn’t.

A Need for the Good News Among Young People in the UK

According to The Prince’s Trust:

10% of young people in Britain think their lives are “not worth living”. Half of 16- to 25-year-olds say they have nothing to look forward to, and 27% say they often feel depressed. Of those who are not in work or training, 37% are often depressed, and 27% say life is meaningless.

More below on ‘The Meaning of Life.’

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